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ATP Torch (Dr J Favorite)


ATP Energy is an innovative patent-protected ingredient that combines caffeine with pTeroPure® pterostilbene—a highly bioavailable analog of resveratrol—to form a unique co-crystal structure. It appears that this unique structure affects the way the body utilizes caffeine. As such, it may offer significant advantages over caffeine alone.

* All-Natural, No Sugars ATP Torch relies on natural ingredients, not ephedra or artificial stimulants. Furthermore, it provides only five grams of carbohydrates and zero sugars.

By using natural flavors and stevia in place of sugar and other carbohydrates, the typical “sugar high” that is associated with many energy drinks can be avoided. Equally important, ATP Torch contains no artificial colors.* Caffeine, in General In animal and human studies, caffeine has demonstrated positive effects on athletic performance, fatigue, and cognitive functions, such as supporting a healthy memory.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

Recommended Use: Dissolve the contents of one stick pack in 6-12 oz of water according to preferred sweetness.

Consume the drink once daily, or use as directed by your healthcare practitioner


  • Purenergy delivered almost 30% more caffeine into the blood than ordinary caffeine.
  • Antioxidant Activity
  • Multivitamins & Minerals , Sports Nutrition
  • Designed to Support a Healthy energy Levels Supports Electrolyte Replacement*
  • Helps Fight Free Radicals with Antioxidant Nutreints, Inluding S-Acetyl-L-Glutathione and 500 mg of Vitamin C
  • Provides an Alternative to Ordinary Caffeine*
  • Provides Ingredients That Support ATP Biosynthesis*


Nutritional Report

ATP Torch contains Purenergy™ which is an innovative patent-protected ingredient that combines caffeine with pTeroPure® pterostilbene—a highly bioavailable analogof resveratrol—to form a unique co-crystal structure. It appears that this unique structure affects the way the body utilizes caffeine. As such,it may offer significant advantages over caffeine alone.*

Study Findings
In a rat study (n=6), the half-life of the caffeine from Purenergy™ was eight hours, while that of ordinary caffeine was just three hours.[1] In apreliminary, four-week, single-blind, crossover human study (n=12) that compared 232 mg of Purenergy™ (providing 99.76 mg of caffeine) to100 mg of ordinary caffeine, the following effects were demonstrated:
• Purenergy™ delivered almost 30% more caffeine into the blood than ordinary caffeine.*
• The absorption rate of the caffeine from Purenergy™ was significantly slower by approximately 30% compared to ordinary caffeine.*
• The half-life of the caffeine from Purenergy™ was extended significantly by approximately 25% compared to ordinary caffeine.*
• At 4 hours, serum showed 45% more caffeine from Purenergy™ compared to ordinary caffeine.*
• At 6 hours, serum showed 51% more caffeine from Purenergy™ compared to ordinary caffeine.*
• Purenergy™ had no adverse effect.*

While the results of these studies are promising, larger studies are needed to validate the findings and determine if these findings translateinto a lengthened energy effect.*

More Energy
Taken together, data from these studies suggest that the effects of caffeine from Purenergy™ may last longer than the effects from ordinarycaffeine and point to a potential for reducing total caffeine intake due to Purenergy™’s more efficient delivery and slower absorption rate.These are encouraging factors for people who wish to reduce their caffeine intake.*

Slower Caffeine “Finish”
Scientists are researching whether or not the extended half-life and slower absorption rate of caffeine from Purenergy™ can produce a moremoderated and gradual finish. This may help prevent the “crash” associated with regular caffeinated energy products and may give ATPTorch an advantage over formulas that use ordinary caffeine.*

All-Natural, No Sugars
ATP Torch relies on natural ingredients, not ephedra or artificial stimulants. Furthermore, it provides only five grams of carbohydrates andzero sugars. By using natural flavors and stevia in place of sugar and other carbohydrates, the typical “sugar high” that is associated withmany energy drinks can be avoided. Equally important, ATP Torch contains no artificial colors.*

Caffeine, in General
In animal and human studies, caffeine has demonstrated positive effects on athletic performance, fatigue, and cognitive functions, such assupporting a healthy memory. According to Meeusen et al, research on caffeine suggests its performance-enhancing effect is related toantagonism of the adenosine receptors that influence the dopaminergic and other neurotransmitter systems.*

In the aforementioned human study, Purenergy™ also delivered approximately 50% more total pterostilbene into the blood than pTeroPuredelivered alone,thus potentially enhancing the functional benefits of pterostilbene. Pterostilbene is a highly bioavailable analog ofresveratrol—a stilbenoid found in blueberries and grapes. Compared to resveratrol, pterostilbene is four times more bioavailable, hasa seven times greater half-life, exhibits greater oral absorption and metabolic stability (pterostilbene is more lipophilic), and producestwo to four times greater cellular uptake. Aside from resveratrol’s well-known antioxidant benefits that support cardiovascular health,pterostilbene is also known to activate certain proteins (i.e., SIRT1 and PGC-1α) involved in increasing mitochondrial biogenesis andtherefore ATP (energy) production.*